“I didn’t want to be lied to!” But they only say it after the fact, when the cats out of the bag and they have to live with the consequences of the truth anyway."
What you said here is so true. It is always easier after the fact. I would lie to protect my parents as a child and was always know as the perfect child (my parents used to say I was born knowing how to feed, bath and teaching myself, never asking for help or causing trouble) striving for perfection in my childhood, and early adulthood left it's impact for sure.
I love your column because you are vulnerable and relatable ( and teaching me new things too) but truthfully I feel less alone in how I feel or what I have gone through.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Many people relate to this but feel too vulnerable to share publicly which is understandable. I applaud your courage. ❤️
Ooof. Your dad’s line! Thank you for sharing it and for being in community with me. It’s hard not to feel like a total narcissist writing about myself week in and week out but I do it for this very reason. Almost like I’m whispering my stories into a tin can telephone not knowing exactly who is listening or who just may need to know they are not the only one. Messages like yours make me feel like someone is on the other side of the tin can telephone afterall.
“I didn’t want to be lied to!” But they only say it after the fact, when the cats out of the bag and they have to live with the consequences of the truth anyway."
What you said here is so true. It is always easier after the fact. I would lie to protect my parents as a child and was always know as the perfect child (my parents used to say I was born knowing how to feed, bath and teaching myself, never asking for help or causing trouble) striving for perfection in my childhood, and early adulthood left it's impact for sure.
I love your column because you are vulnerable and relatable ( and teaching me new things too) but truthfully I feel less alone in how I feel or what I have gone through.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Many people relate to this but feel too vulnerable to share publicly which is understandable. I applaud your courage. ❤️
Ooof. Your dad’s line! Thank you for sharing it and for being in community with me. It’s hard not to feel like a total narcissist writing about myself week in and week out but I do it for this very reason. Almost like I’m whispering my stories into a tin can telephone not knowing exactly who is listening or who just may need to know they are not the only one. Messages like yours make me feel like someone is on the other side of the tin can telephone afterall.