May 16, 2022Liked by Atoosa Rubenstein

It’s hard for me to decide whether I’m being authentic to myself or scared. I guess if the uncomfortable feeling of NOT doing something overcomes the other then maaaybe. Like uninhibited dancing at a very small music venue.😐 (I left 3 hrs early, I just. Could. Not.)

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May 16, 2022Liked by Atoosa Rubenstein

Leaving a comment here to let you know I hear, see and stand with you! I look forward to your weekly emails and take great joy in my own reflection post-reading and sharing those that resonate with my loved ones. Thank you for being so brave and being so authentic!

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May 15, 2022Liked by Atoosa Rubenstein

I absolutely would have been a hard no as well. I'm wondering if there is any story out there that could have moved me to change my mind. I am also very averse to groups of people where I don't know anyone AND sing alongs.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Atoosa Rubenstein





My gawd.

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May 15, 2022Β·edited May 15, 2022Liked by Atoosa Rubenstein

I feel you! Funny enough I feel like I belong most at my Buddhist center bc when I’m in there I’m in a more spiritual mindset and going with my belief that β€œeveryone is a Buddha,” so there’s a big common denominator. I try to remember that and/or make people laugh to bring out common humanity in my daily life. Sounds cheesy, I know!

Btw I absolutely love how open you are with us in your newsletters, thank you! And my mom is Iranian!

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