I finally got to the bottom of a messed up strategy that's kept me in unsatisfying romantic relationships for basically my entire adult life.
Great piece! Such an unfolding this life!
That was great! I really enjoyed listening. I could relate to a lot of it. I wish I had the courage to be as unedited as you are. Nice work! Hal
And you inspired the podcast on the same page as the writing. New kid on substack and already a leader. Thanks Hal. 👑
Atoosa! You have not changed an atom since that photo on the tri-cycle!!
Excuse me---ROCKING HORSE!! (Naturally, you are an equestrian!)
Great piece! Such an unfolding this life!
That was great! I really enjoyed listening. I could relate to a lot of it. I wish I had the courage to be as unedited as you are. Nice work! Hal
And you inspired the podcast on the same page as the writing. New kid on substack and already a leader. Thanks Hal. 👑
Atoosa! You have not changed an atom since that photo on the tri-cycle!!
Excuse me---ROCKING HORSE!! (Naturally, you are an equestrian!)